quoted Q&A session..for ole time sake
Encik M: Apa ciri-ciri senibina vernacular yang menarik tu Ninoz? Atau ada specific senibina vernacular yang menarik? Minta huraikan...
ninoZ : senibina vernacular bermaksud senibina setempat dan bersifat regionalism
bentuk senibina ini biasanya byk dipengaruhi oleh faktor2 ruang lingkup persekitaran..faktor sejarah, budaya, kekadang keagamaan, functional..
varies from one region to another..ade vernacular moden n ade vernacular traditional..
contoh kalau kat malaysia..
senibina vernacular kita - rumah melayu, rumah baba nyonya, rumah panjang kat sarawak..dan seumpamanya..[nih yg traditional aa]
kalau kat alaska..senibina vernacularnya igloo laa
kalau kat amerika plak...antara bentuk senibina vernacularnya cam prairie house..kalau kat uk..cottage house semua tu kira their senibina vernacular la..
my choice: tropical vernacular
so camne tropikal vernacular tu..biasanya vernacular dikaitkan dgn binaan saiz domestik..tropical vernacular - senibina yg responsif to tropikal climate n afew other faktor persekitaran tanpa mengabaikan ciri ciri setempat.. it can be either a modern bldg or traditional one..
cth ciri climate tropika : hujan yg kerap, kalau panas tu mmg panas sungguh, pastu kadar kelembapan tinggi
cth cara bldg responsive to climate:berbumbung instead of flat roof [senang nak channel air hujan], large overhang[bleh elakkan tempias n at the same time gives extra shades to the house], byk openings [allows natural ventilation - solve the humidity problem]
tu contoh secara rambang la...kalau nak go into detail..heheheheh
kene to be continued eh..
ape yg menarik bout it?
hmmm..i love the part that vernacular arch nih bersifat humble..how subtle it blends n integrates with nature..[whispering instead of shouting]tak jemu mata memandang..
lebih tenang.. lebih ber'jiwa'.. [n lurv timber house so much] how it 'speaks' of its culture dan lain lain yg seumpamanya..:)
rimbun dahan tu bleh gak la dijadikan contoh..
[disclaimer: strictly ulasan peribadi berdasarkan knowledge yg dah rusted]
Cik M : could some one here tell me abit more about aqueduct and the origin of arch-like design? why it so famous?thank you and bless you guys...
ninoZ : me explain a pasal aqueduct dulu eh..
Perkataan aqueduct berasal dari Latin word aqua - water, and ductum - led[to guide or direct to course]
Aqueduct merupakan satu teknologi sistem pengagihan air yg diasaskan oleh jurutera2 Roman sekitar 312 b.c bagi menyelesaikan masalah sumber air bersih utk kegunaan koloni2 di bandar2 baru Roman.
aqueduct merupakan 'water line' yg menyalirkan air dari sumber utama [biasanya sungai laa] terus ke destinasi yg dikehendaki..biasanya sgt jauh dari sumber air. the beauty of the aqueduct technology nih terletak pada bagaimana roman engineers bleh deliver the water to their cities thru hurdles seperti bentuk muka bumi yg tak sekata dan camna nak settle masalah nak distribute to high n low-laying area by means of exploiting prinsip2 graviti. [kene paham sket sket pasal konsep tekanan air]
Kebanyakan aqueducts ni merupakan binaan bawah tanah [bahan binaan masonary - bricks, concrete]. however, if it became necessary to cross a valley or river, the aqueduct was elevated on a bridge of stone arches that enabled the water flow at a constant rate. Depending on the topography, an aqueduct may have had to be constructed with multiple tiers of arches.[again kene refer prinsip tekanan air+ gravity]
contoh aqueduct :
bout the arch-like design
secara kasar aje eh..very short explaination..[i'll elaborate later eh..]
binaan arch ni sgt dipengaruhi oleh faktor penggunaan bahan binaan , faktor struktur binaan load bearing or non load bearing , faktor spanning yg besar but with minimal structure, faktor volume of space... why it so famous? the quality of expression of a space or structure or an opening resulted by using arches..
Cik M : salam and hi all,
would you all be king enough to tell me abit more about the hanging GArden of babylon?why is it so special to the these archeologist and the likes...?
why? any graphics that anyone would share about this?
bless you and thank you.
ninoZ : a bit of story eh?
here we go..
the hanging garden of babylon
The approach to the Garden sloped like a hillside and the several parts of the structure rose from one another tier on tier... On all this, the earth had been piled... and was thickly planted with trees of every kind that, by their great size and other charm, gave pleasure to the beholder... The water machines [raised] the water in great abundance from the river, although no one outside could see it.
tho' the hanging garden of babylon is listed as one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, u may be surprise to know that the legendary hanging garden might have never existed except in the minds of Greek poets and historians..
worry not tho', the recent success in excavation works by archeologists gradually proving the existence of the garden n its exact location
The hanging garden of babylon was built on the east bank of the River Euphrates[in the south of Baghdad] circa 604-562 BC under the ruling of King Nebuchanezzar II.[Mesopotamia civilization reached its ultimate glory during this era]
It was built for his wife[or concubine..'un'proven ], Amytis, a Median[persia] Princess to remind her of her the mountains n greenary of her homeland...The Gardens didn't really 'hanging' but were built on terraces which were part of the ziggurat[stepped pyramid] and was irrigated by water lifted up from the Euphrates.
The Hanging Gardens were built on a foundation of arched vaults, and rose to 75 feet. They were waterproofed with bitumen, baked brick n lead to keep the under vaults dry..the terrace structure is covered with dirt deep enough to support large trees ..Babylon, after all, is in the middle of a desert..water supply was one of crucial part of the garden ..
Traces of wells have been discovered, which suggest that the wheel of buckets technique(like our modern conveyor belt) or Doria was used here to raise the water to the highest point of the terrace. here's some rough idea on how the doria work..
The terraced construction, itself elevated by situating the gardens on the summit of a small hill, made the tops of the trees visible above the walls from a considerable distance...which helped to perpetuate an illusive sense of wonder over such "hanging" gardens in midair... The botanical gardens blossomed with fragrant flowers n decoration set among the irrigation ditches.
Fruit trees accentuated the rectangular areas of cultivation, themselves overshadowed by palm trees..Water cascaded down from a reservoir-lake over the vegetation beneath...[the water element is the one that really gave the 'hanging' effect..]
The whole construction, is like a mountainwhy archeologist so curious bout it?ingenius system of the water distribution n irrigation ..especially given the desert climate .. n mechanical capabilities of the ancient Babylonians
irrigation was so vital to any empire that located between the Dijla n Furat [Tigris n Euphrates]..there's practically no rainfall in Mesopotamia
remarkable plumbing and water proofing system ..how the foundation of building is kept intact..[building r made of bricks n with the amount of water needed to keep the vegetation alive..culd as well soften the bricks n bring the building down..]
the fact that the garden have been decriptively described by greek historians n writers..it was even mention in some parts of Alexander's soldier story, who reached the land of mesopotamia n saw babylon..yet no physical proof exist..
so they gotta do wut they gotta do..dig dig n dig..u know..the tomb raider stuff..
not until the twentieth century..the mystery slowly revealed [n more to be discovered..]but no pandora box wuz discovered tho'..thanx to lara croft hehehehhea
haaa..do you know?
the land between the two rivers, Tigris n Euphrates is known as the Cradle of Civilization
the birthplace of the varied civilizations that moved us from prehistory to history..[mesopotamia is the oldest known civilization]
Encik C : ninoZ,
sesuatu senibina vernacular tu sebenarnya lahir akibat daripada keperluan dan kehendak masyarakat vernacular itu atau ia hidup secara tak sengaja.... satu faktor kebiasaan saja?.
Maksud saya begini... kehendak dan keperluan dua kelompok manusia satu bangsa adalah sama malahi mendiami sesuatu kawasan geografik yang sama. Iklim kawasan itu adalah sama... fungsi rumah tentunya sama. Tetapi mengapa boleh terjadi perbezaan rekabentuk dan fungsi?
Kita ambillah sebagai contoh rumah melayu melaka dengan rumah say melayu selangor. semua faktor adalah sama... agama,budaya, iklim dll... yet bentuk rumah berbeza.
Melaka dengan beranda terbukanya yang sebenarnya unik.
Apa yang menyebabkannya begitu? Keperluan fungsi atau hanya kebiasaan?
ninoZ : saya terangkan secara ringkas eh..
sesebuah rumah Melayu itu terbina hasil dari gabungan pelbagai ilmu kemahiran n kerja penukang..
pawang- menentukan geomancy sesebuah rumah eg. mana letak tiang seri.. mana orientasinya
tukang rumah - membina rumah from scratch hingga siap
pemotong/pembelah kayu - kekadang tukang rumah n pemotong kayu the same person - mahir tengtang ilmu perkayuan
pengukir- menyempurnakan detailing ukiran sesebuah rumah
so these person..selain dari menurut hukum asas pembinaan rumah..turut mempunyai skill n personal expression tersendiri resulted by faktor geografi or faktor perguruan or sometimes special request by the owner
di pantai timur definately byk dipengaruhi oleh senibina atau material dari siam
cth: senibina rumah di kelantan..
bentuk bumbung, atap singgoradi utara plak..rumahnya on stilt yg tinggi sebab bhg bawah rumah digunakan utk menyimpan padi dan sebagainya [dipengaruhi faktor kegiatan seharian]
di melaka plak..being negeri yg byk pengaruh pedagang asing..bleh dilihat dari detailing pada hiasan tangga, penggunaan courtyard dan bentuk bumbung.. [pernah tak get the feeling certain mesjid kat melaka tu macam bumbung tokong]
secara asasnya..konsep rekabentuk ruang bagi rumah melayu adalah sama
tangga-->anjung-->serambi-->ibu rumah--->dapur
yg membezakan from one negeri to another..keperluan ruang yg needed to be emphasize, material, detailing..
dlm sesebuah rumah melayu juga is an expression of the owner status,taraf hidup n hartanya,falsafah hidupnya, hubungannya dengan alam, hubungan seorang ahli masyarakat dengan yang lainnya, semuanya bleh dizahirkan melalui rumah yg dimiliki.
Sapa kata ninoZ takleh jadik cikgu???
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