Roast beef and Yorkshire Pudding


been postponing to make this for a long long time..

freshly baked yorkshire puddings, crisp n fluffy

roasted beef, not a premium one tho'..just make use of wutever in the freezer..:D
i shud have seared the meat more, it'll be more juicy

our humble dinner..:D
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Jamie Oliver's 'foolproof' Yorkshire puddings

1/2 pint (285 millilitres) milk
4 ounces (115 grams) all-purpose flour
Pinch salt
3 eggs
Vegetable oil

Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.
Mix the batter ingredients together. Let rest for 10 minutes
Preheat a Yorkshire pudding tray or muffin tin with 1/2-inch (1 centimetre) of oil in each section. After the 10 minutes divide the batter into the tray. Cook for around 15 to 20 minutes until crisp and puffy, don't open the oven door before then or they won't rise.

Gordon Ramsay's authentic Roast beef with Gravy

(4-6 servings)

1.2-1.5kg rib of beef, on the bone

sea salt and black pepper

2tbsp olive oil


few thyme sprigs

4 garlic cloves (unpeeled)

2 red onions, peeled and sliced

4 plum tomatoes, halved

350ml water [ ramsay use red wine :) ]

1.2 litres beef stock

Allow a couple of hours before cooking to bring the beef to room temperature and make the Yorkshire batter.

Heat the oven to 200C/Gas 6. Season the beef and sear in a hot roasting pan with a little olive oil to brown on all sides, about three to four minutes on each side. Transfer to the oven and roast for 15 minutes per 450g, rare or 20 minutes per 450g, medium.

When the beef is cooked, transfer to a warmed plate and leave to rest, lightly covered in foil, in a warm place while you cook the puddings and make the gravy.

To make the gravy, pour off excess fat from the roasting pan, place on a medium heat and add the thyme, garlic, onions and tomatoes. Cook for four to five minutes, then pour in the water and bring to a simmer. Squash the tomatoes to help thicken the sauce. Pour in the stock and bubble for about 10 minutes until reduced by half. Pass the gravy through a sieve, pressing the vegetables to extract their flavour. Bring back to the boil and reduce.

Carve the beef thinly. Serve with the gravy, Yorkshire puddings, Yorkshire puddings, sauteed cabbage, glazed carrots and roast potatoes.

note : errr...i do not follow the recipe to every detail..feel free to improvise :)

Feel like home @Rahimah's Kitchen


on our way to restoren anuar at bandar bukit puchong, we accidently stumbled upon this restaurant - Rahimah's Kitchen. Aaaahhhh..this was the one ayah went with dr nasharuddin last week.
wokehh.. exceptionally gud decor design, homey yet elegant. quite friendly waiters. The menu - specialising on terengganu's delicacies like nasi kukus with lauk pauk, nasi dagang, nasik kerabu, laksa terengganu n many more. the menu card is not ready yet so i can really comment on the extensiveness of the menu selection :D

better half had nasi kukus, deep fried catfish, vege n err not sure ..hihihi

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my nasi kerabu

iced lemon tea

the food was ok and reasonably harm in coming back again for more :D
they are having promotions till 31st december 15% discount on all food and beverages.

here's some info:

Rahimah's Kitchen
no 75[corner lot], Jalan BP 6/3, Bandar Bukit Puchong
47120 Puchong , Selangor

Phone : +603 8060 1119

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just watched was a BLAST!!!

afeef balik kampung..sob sob sobb..:(


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the day after...


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the day we've finally managed to 'jalan-jalan'..:D


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dengan penuh rajinnya budak-budak ini menemankan kitorang bermain carom...:D

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field trip - Islamic Art Museum kuala lumpur


walking towards museum, right after light breakfast at pusat islam's fudkot

a replica of a fountain design during the 16th century in the Mamluk's palaces, made of ceramic, stalactites or mosaic marble..usually located in the centre of 'liwan'

inner courtyard infront of the restaurant
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an artifact on the ancient sajadah

ahaaaa..i've been looking foward to check this place out for quite sometimes, unfortunately the cafe restaurant is closed on monday...phewww! too bad...

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here's the eight of us..:)

wall hung lighting fixture

the other side of the inner courtyard
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a photo of the makkatul mukkaramah before the restructure

done with the museum, off we go to bangsar to enjoy delicious nasi kandar @pelita before heading University Malaya to attend the Debat piala diraja peringkat akhir. the ceremony was officiated by Raja Nazrin shah.

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sedapnyaaa menyicah pagi-pagi..


'Menyicah' merupakan aktiviti santai klasik kegemaran hampir semua orang-orang utara, tak kira lah baik lelaki atau perempuan , baik yang tua maupun kanak-kanak. Samada menggunakan betik muda atau pun lain lain buah-buah asaman mengikut kegemaran masing-masing, cecahan ringkas 'garam belacan' pasti membangkitkan rasa dan mampu mengecurkan air liur sesiapa sahaja.

betik muda segar baru dipetik dari kebun Zie

'garam belacan' - campuran gula pasir, garam kasar, kicap, cili merah dan sedikit belacan yang ditumbuk/kisar halus

hirisan betik muda yang sungguh rangup
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