Table Setting




frankly.. i'm quite obessesed with terminology be it in literature, architecture or education..etc etc.. n ESPECIALLY culinary

bombastic as it may sounds, when it comes to culinary.. even for a self-taught cook like me, it is good to know the appropriate terminology in shorten the needs of explaining a lengthy description or technique in mere 1 or 2 words..
so...if u wanna discuss culinary stuff with me.. be ready to be bombard by every possible bombastic words..hehehehe

so u do how to make genoise base, dont u? :D


a good day starts with a freshly brewed piping hot coffee...kawwww is a definite lah!

aiyyohhh..better stop talking bout food lah

note this!


somebody made comment about something...

yes dear..
true indeed...everything you said is true to every word
but its not my hand that holding the 'kun fa yakun' green light
ada paham?



lately i'm hooked to one particular blog..
dah almost khatam every single posting...
its more on how he writes than wut he writes...
being a wonder lah

i missed writing with the capital 'WRITE'..
were have my flare gone??? uwaaaaaaaa...



i'm damm hungry rite now but i dun wanna eat! its wayyy past eating time
wut shud i do??

Phewwww!!! wutta month....


been so busy preparing for the wedding for the past one month..done with the hantaran n wayyyy to 'balik kampung'on the 18th nov..
a lotta undone task to be completed yet we managed to get it done on the dot..
ayah surely proud with his just-done fencing..[thanx to the great help of encik boss :D]
hectic day for sure...with a case of spontanious breakdown..huuuhuuuuu
ibu is surely one relieved person now, since everything goes quite well..

our coffe corner wuz a hit.. tho is kinda tucked away behind pokok longan [its meant to be so..if not, matilahh nak replenish everything now n then]
i' only managed to taste the lauk kenduri the next day in bedong..

phewwww!!! i'm worn out, dats for sure

my back is killing me..arghhhhhhhh!!!!

pix? later lahhh




Walimatul Urus....



huuuuhuuuuuuu...anakku suka cerita ini!!


when asked why he likes it so much.. he couldn't find the reason why

Sesaat ku terkesima
Pada indah personamu
Sekilas kau senyum padaku
Melarutkanmu dalam kasihku

Sesaat ku terpesona
Pada warna ceriamu
Sayangnya telah ku hidu
Semua paparanmu palsu

Indah impian cintaku
Namun realiti tak seharum
Yang ku impikan kerna
Cintamu tak sejati

Ku mahu kesetiaan dan kejujuran
Kasih sayang yang tiada bersempadan
Pengorbanan cinta yang tulus dan lahir dari keikhlasan

Namun kau hanya mampu memberi janji palsu
Dan kita pun terdorong hawa nafsu
Semua yang kau berita benar dan tak kan menjadi erti

Selamanya takkan ku lupa
Kau ajar ku seksa
Kau pandai berkata-kata
Hingga aku derita

Selamanya ku berjaga-jaga
Tak sanggup ku kenang
Cukuplah sekali terluka
Kan ku ingat sentiasa

Indah impian cintaku
Namun realiti tak seharum
Yang ku impikan kerna
Cintamu tak sejati

Ku mahu kesetiaan dan kejujuran
Kasih sayang yang tiada bersempadan
Pengorbanan cinta yang tulus dan lahir dari keikhlasan

Namun kau hanya mampu memberi janji palsu
Dan kita pun terdorong hawa nafsu
Semua yang kau berita benar dan tak kan menjadi erti

Aku bukanlah boneka mu
Ku tak rela dipermainkan
Lebih baik sendiri
Dari terseksa di tangan mu

Apa yang aku mahu

Indah impian cintaku
Namun realiti tak seharum
Yang ku impikan kerna
Cintamu tak sejati

Ku mahu kesetiaan dan kejujuran
Kasih sayang yang tiada bersempadan
Pengorbanan cinta yang tulus dan lahir dari keikhlasan

Namun kau hanya mampu memberi janji palsu
Dan kita pun terdorong hawa nafsu
Semua yang kau berita benar dan tak kan menjadi erti

Ku mahu kesetiaan dan kejujuran
Kasih sayang yang tiada bersempadan
Pengorbanan cinta yang tulus dan lahir dari keikhlasan

Namun kau hanya mampu memberi janji palsu
Dan kita pon terdorong hawa nafsu
Semua yang kau berita benar dan tak kan menjadi erti

Ku mahu!

alert! alert!


sorry ya my dearie blog..
its not that i dont wanna post anything..
i've been infected with virus M that caused all the lagging in my action..

eh..the recorded video of the phone conversation between the dot dot proven fake
errrrr..predicted kan?
if the verdict in the other way around imagine wut stir its gonna caused to our so called fair n transparent government..damage control is outta q rite? [ignore the truth lah..:P]

ayayyaaaaaaa..i got alotta pics in my flickr..its over 100 already, all raya related

What's for iftar???


Managed to make my late mak's infamous laksa cina..its actually a personal request from my sis inlaw who's been craving for dat stuff for ages..esp after her failed attempt to cook one right before ramadhan..hihihi

frankly..i can't really remember what's the taste like..:D
[yes, i did note down the recipe from mak]
bohhh saja lahhhh

errrr...forgot to take pic lahh
next time ya..:)


Mak's Laksa Cina

Ikan parang - scrape the fish meat then mix with tapioca flour and white peper with salt n sugar to taste..form oblong balls then deep fry till cooked.
Boil the remainings till cooked, then finely blended n strained to get fish stock.

finely grounded:
shallot + onion
dried chilli - seeded n soaked

lemon grass - smashed
Tofu pok
Coconut milk

for garnishing:
cucumber - shreded
beanspout - tailed
coriander leaves/chinese parsley
fried onion
omelette/boiled egg - optional
meehoon - blanced

Heat oil then saute grounded paste till aromatic n oil surfaced. Add in lemongrass and fish stock.
Simmer for awhile then add in cocnut milk.
Add in fishball n ikan parang's ball n slice fishcake. Let the gravy simmer for a while.
Season with salt and pepper to taste. lastly add in tofu pok
Put some meehoon in a bowl and put garnishing stuff . Ladle gravy on top.
ready to be serve.

Many...many..many of my all time fav songs come from this singer...


his latest album...ready to soothe your heart out? Happy listening

Raya is coming.....!!


'Panjut Buluh' is 'planted' in the garden..all lit when the nite comes
new sofa..yeah yeahhhh!!!!
thanx love..muahhhhssssssss :D

its not so much on getting new furniture for raya.. just an excellent excuse for a 10 years ole sette to rest in heaven..hihihihi
"she" has done her part dutifully..

why so much RED in my house eh? hmmmm...

all time fav..anuar zengs


mind the vidclips..i just wanna hear the song [till i buy the cd..:

ramadhan = raya??


a fren, a convert was complaining that this year she don't even deserve to celebrate eid coz she cant make it for terawih not even once..

bidaah tuuuu..heheheh

me believe in wut ever the best within your ability..

some can khatam quran in ramadhan..but if u cant beat as much as u can..ikhlas

if u have the why to live, you'll bear almost anyhow...


true indeed..rite?
life is about choices and the choice is always ours..
with the power to choose comes responsibilty... be it right or wrong!

Q & A....


my son asked me the bonus question last nite ...
" tu ape?"
hehehehehe..mengagau nak jawab..nak explain pjg lebar..masa tu tgh makan
so bagi je la jawapan escape..
"nanti mak cari dulu jawapan pastu printkan..."

dah aware yg moment camnih akan muncul cuma lupa nak bersedia
sabo je laaaa:)

dilanda inersia..


its been so so long since my last 'ventures' in this blogging business.. and its really hard to start composing strings of hard as creating slogan for Petronas..ahakss
so..wish me luck lah
hopefully i'll pick up the ole pace...
happy blogging to me!!!



Self reminder ::
Berbahagialah mereka yang memahami hikmah derita...

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